❛ Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin ❜ is the transcription of the interview given by Isaiah Berlin to Brian Magee on the bbc programme Why Philosophy Matters (1976), available here. It was originally published in English in: Bryan Magee, Some Creators of Contemporary Philosophy, O.U.P., 1989 (1978 1st).

vitordematos . Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin - cover in a e-reader vitordematos . Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin - inside in a e-reader itordematos . Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin - inside in calibre e-book viewer vitordematos . Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin - inside in calibre e-book viewer vitordematos . Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin - cover in sumatrapdf vitordematos . Uma Introdução à Filosofia. Diálogo Com Isaiah Berlin - epub in librera pro reader (f-droid)

The e-book's styles were set in LibreOffice and then css was fine-tuned in Calibre.

The full text in portuguese language is hereby made available in epub format, under a cc by-nc-nd 4.0 license with translation by Vítor de Matos, in the hope that it will be useful to those interested in the study of philosophy. But without any guarantees and without assuming any responsibility for any possible consequences that may arise from its use. The reader may share, in an academic context, in whole or in part, and by any means, this translation, provided that (a) it is not altered, (b) it is not used for commercial purposes and (c) the source is always cited.

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